My proposal.

I am President of ECR-Eurolat, Vice-President of the Committee on Delegation to the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly and Member of AFET and ENVI.

My proposal.

I am President of ECR-Eurolat, Vice-President of the Committee on Delegation to the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly and Member of AFET and ENVI.
ciudadanosECR EUROLAT

“Not only in Latin America is democracy at risk, but it is also coming to Europe, and Europe only assumes an appeasement policy with all dictatorships, from Cuba or Venezuela to Iran. We are risking to lose the continent that can most help us save our own continent.”

I am President of the ECR-EUROLAT political group, an initiative of the VOX delegation to the European Parliament aimed at bringing the European Union’s relations closer to democratic forces on the Ibero-American continent, thus interrupting the tradition of the appeasement policy to which the EU is accustomed with left-wing dictatorships around the world.

The aim of this political group is to organise and coordinate the fight for freedom and democracy between the EU and Latin America’s democratic forces against the totalitarian and extreme left-wing forces that are progressing on both continents and which have for decades entered the political, cultural, ideological and strategic sphere in all Iberosfera countries.

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In the Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) I contribute to defining the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and to defending democracy, the rule of law and human rights against the continued globalist battle aimed at implementing unique thinking.

The VOX delegation to the European Parliament works to advocate our Western values, freedom, democracy and political pluralism against the increasingly common appeasement policies of the European institutions against dictatorships around the world.

Our voice is raised against the prevailing European Union’s message of weakness, which is turning its head away communist governments, against the narcotics dictatorships in Latin America and the East, which has led us to political, social and institutional instability.

Europe’s silence, a dangerous trend that is now expanding on our continent, with Spain’s clear example of a social-communist government that has never been criticised by the European institutions. Silence calming masses, dictatorial actions, anti-democratic laws and the media. Silence and inaction on the part of the EU, which has brought the danger posed by communism to start permeating in the member countries.


Experience is worth nothing because it is overused and old-fashioned. In the past, we thought that older people’s knowledge, experience and the monitoring and verification of facts gave us information and empirical intelligence to address our problems. They tell us that we need to be very fool to believe this, or either dangerously reactionary. We don’t learn from our elderly, they tell us, because before the advent of the “perfect adanist manual”, everything went wrong. This is the case in all fields of human wisdom and the intention is to renounce the wisdom of thousands of years to replace it with the wisecracks of ignorant newcomers but hugely daring. But there is no area in which this phenomenon is more overwhelming, widespread and distressing at the same time than in agriculture. Progressivism has already left progress long time ago to become increasingly magic and superstition. This is always the case, however, with permanent appeals to science. They say they are always with scientists and science, but the truth is that it only serves them when it matches their intentions and prejudices that need to be imposed. Enthusiasm for science has led to blind faith in everything that is new, such as the obsessions that emerged from the ideological workshops of ecologism.

A radical vision that permeates the entire politics of those affected and which not only the whole left-wing have already taken up as a religion. The magic thinking of environmental progressivism does not listen to reason. And anyone who takes the opposite is disqualified as an enemy of the planet or an unscrupulous greedy or both. This new religion, like all fanaticised superstitions, does great harm for the simple reason that it silences those who know what they speak and go against them. It gives opinions and decisions to people that they know little or nothing about what they think and decide. And above all, people who are not in any way affected in their own professional or personal lives by their wrong decisions, which naturally occur and always go unpunished between those who decide and are always paid by those who are obliged to apply them. If this complete mismatch between common sense and ideology in agricultural and food issues occurs throughout the West, nowhere in the world it reaches the grotesque level of the European Union. Whoever joins the ENVI Committee, would be set up in a gang courtyard where a troop of urban parliamentarians is dedicated to imposing rules on the countryside, changing regulations and giving advice to farmers they have never seen, an agriculture they do not know, for products they know only from the supermarket.

VOX and I take the countryside very seriously. And we consider agriculture to be the best and only realistic way of taking care of the large geographical areas that have been more or less depopulated by the explosion of urban life. That is why we want European agriculture, and in particular that of Spain, to be dignified, profitable, viable and forward-looking. This is why we have become the bedrock of common sense against the ecological and left-wing ideology that wants to turn the countryside into an anthropological museum.

In the ENVI Committee as in AGRI, as in all those committees we work on, we defend producers and fight for a decent life in a profitable and sustainable agriculture. And as we take it very seriously, we wanted to do this booklet of jokes so that we can laugh at such a nonsense when a number of bureaucrats and politicians who know nothing about agriculture believe that they will improve it with their ideological instructions. This is why we are presenting these jokes. To enable us to laugh at the absurd and fanaticism and to fight efficiently for consciousness and rationality. This is to achieve our goal of defending the interests and well-being of our farmers, which will always revert to the welfare of our consumers, and that includes all of us.

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