

Hermann Tertsch

Awarded with the Cirilo Rodríguez Prize, Continent Prize, European Parliament Prize for Journalism, Best Correspondent of the International Press Club, Otto Habsburg Prize, Liberal Club Freedom of Expression Award and other honours such as Grand Cross of Merit of the Republic of Austria, Golden Cross of Merit of the Republic of Hungary.

Books published: La venganza de la historia;
Libelo contra la Secta; Días de ira, as well as the novels.

Committees of which he is member:


ECR-EUROLAT Policy Group


Delegation to the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly


Committee on Foreign Affairs

Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety



Cargos políticos y
experiencia de
Hermann Tertsch.


Cargo político

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30 NOV 2020


Cargo político

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Cargo político

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30 NOV 2020


Cargo político

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30 NOV 2020


Cargo político

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30 NOV 2020


Cargo político

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30 NOV 2020


Cargo político

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30 NOV 2020


Cargos políticos y
experiencia de
Hermann Tertsch.


Cargo político

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30 NOV 2020


Cargo político

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30 NOV 2020


Cargo político

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30 NOV 2020


Cargo político

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30 NOV 2020


Cargo político

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30 NOV 2020


Cargo político

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30 NOV 2020


Cargo político

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30 NOV 2020


Political offices and
Experience of
Hermann Tertsch.

Hermann Tertsch Del Valle Lersundi is a Member of the European Parliament on VOX lists. Vice-President of the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) parliamentary group, Vice-President of the Latin America Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat) and member of the Committees on Foreign Affairs (AFET) and Environment (ENVI). Tertsch has made his entire career as a political journalist. In 2019 was the first time he took part in an election.

Journalist born in Madrid in 1958, with Austrian father and Spanish mother, is one of the media references in national and international politics. Coming from the family-journalism business, the economic newsletter Spanish Economic News Service, he began his work in agency journalism in 1982 at the EFE Agency’s Vienna delegation, covering all the capitals of the then Warsaw Pact beyond the Iron Curtain.

In 1985 Juan Luis Cebrián calls him from Vienna to Madrid to join the newspaper El País in its international section. Only some months later he is appointed as the newspaper correspondent in Bonn and Warsaw. In the following years, he covered not only the policy of the Federal Republic of Germany under Helmut Kohl, but also the collapse of the Communist regimes in Eastern Europe and then served as an Eastern correspondent, which became a correspondent of war with the outbreak of the dispute in the Balkans. In 1993 he was called to Madrid and was appointed deputy director of El País newspaper and head of the Opinion section. He is the director of publishers and collaborations for the Spain’s largest daily newspaper during these years. In 1996 he left the executive position to travel again as a special correspondent around the world. He also writes a regular opinion column. In 2007, he leaves El País due to ideological disagreements.

A few months later, he is recruited as a columnist and analyst in ABC newspaper where he writes from then until the elections that will bring him to the European Parliament. For two years he ran Diario de la Noche, an authoring news program of Telemadrid which was a political point of reference on the Spanish right-wing. He went on for years with his political analysis editorial in the channel.

He has collaborated with all the main radios and televisions in Spain, such as SER, COPE, OndaCero and EsRadio.

For many years he frequently attended political gatherings in all major Spanish televisions and collaborated with numerous foreign magazines and newspapers. He has written collections of essays, “La Venganza de la Historia”, “Libelo contra la secta” and “Días de ira” and novels “La Acuarela” and “Cita in Varsovia”. He has given lectures across Europe. He has received numerous prizes, including Cirilo Rodríguez Prize, Continent Prize, European Parliament Prize for Journalism, Best Correspondent of the International Press Club. Very active on social media with his 230,000 followers, he has been one of the main media enemies of the governments of Zapatero and Sánchez and extremely critical with those of Rajoy of the People’s Party.

Focusing on the cultural battle against Marxism and globalism and promoting an anti-communist front against the Sao Paulo Forum and Grupo de Puebla, Tertsch has just been appointed as a member of the board of trustees of the Disenso foundation, chaired by Santiago Abascal. He has also been appointed President of the Editorial Board of la Gaceta, the foundation’s daily newspaper.

He has recently been appointed President of the ECR EUROLAT political group, which aims to bring the European Union closer to the democratic forces of the Iberosfera.

Published books.

La venganza de la historia.
Ensayo sobre Europa

La acuarela.

Cita en Varsovia.

Libelo contra la secta.

Días de ira.



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